Research Article

Method for Patching Three-Dimensional Surface Coverage Loopholes of Hybrid Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1

3D-SCHDR algorithm.
1 Input:, , , , , , ;
2 Output: set the number of iterations and repeat lines 7-18 until the coverage loopholes are repaired;
3 //select any reference node with coordinates
4 Neighbor nodes
5 Maxiter = 150//set the maximum number of iterations
6 Max_Step =0 ~ 10//set the maximum moving step size of the node
7 if
8 =0; //no coverage loopholes
9 else if
10 =0;
11 else if
12 =0;
13 else
14 ; //exist coverage loopholes
15 end
16 Calculate moving direction and distance according to equations (8)–(15);
17 Using the virtual force
18 Location movement