Review Article

Two Distinct Pathways to Development of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Vulva

Table 2

Classifications of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. (WHO, ISSVD, and Bethesda-like classifications are shown.)

WHO (2003)

 VIN 1,2,3 (warty type/basaloid type)
 VIN 1,2,3 (simplex type)
ISSVD (2004)
 VIN, usual type (VIN 2,3)
  (a) warty type
  (b) basaloid type
  (c) mixed type
 VIN 3, differentiated type (VIN 3)
Bethesda-like system [6]
 Low-grade VIL (condyloma NIN 1)
 High-grade VIL (VIN 2/VIN 3)

VIN1: abolished terminology.