Review Article

Potential Role of Meiosis Proteins in Melanoma Chromosomal Instability

Table 1

Summary of the major events in each stage of the meiotic and mitotic cell cycle.

Stage of meiotic divisionOutcome Stage of mitotic divisionOutcome

S Phase IDuplication of genetic material, DNA double strand breaks induced by SPO11S PhaseDuplication of genetic material

Prophase IChromosome condensation, homologous recombinationProphase Chromosome condensation

Metaphase ITetrad alignment at metaphase plate, cohesin degraded from chromosome arms but remains at centromere, monooriented sister kinetochoresMetaphaseChromosome alignment at metaphase plate, cohesin degraded from centromere, bioriented sister kinetochores

Anaphase IHomologous chromosomes separate to opposite sides of dividing cell, sister chromatids remain attachedAnaphaseSister chromatids separate to opposite sides of dividing cell

Telophase IChromatid decondensation (sometimes just partial decondensation)Telophase Chromatid decondensation, two daughter cells are diploid

Prophase IINo chromosome duplication, chromosome recondensation

Metaphase IISister chromatids align at metaphase plate, cohesin degraded from centromere, bi-oriented sister kinetochores

Anaphase IISister chromatids separate to opposite sides of dividing cell

Telophase IIChromosome decondensation, four daughter cells are haploid