Research Article

Comorbidity Assessment in Skin Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study Comparing Medical Interview with a Patient-Reported Questionnaire

Table 2

Comorbid ailments captured and missed by medical interview (MI) and PRACE-27 in individual organ systems.

Medical interviewTotal

 Present111 38149

There are a total of 1,188 possibilities for comorbid ailments to be identified among the forty-four patients in this study since each patient can potentially have twenty-seven comorbidities (44 × 27 = 1,188). Both MI and PRACE-27 agreed upon 111 comorbidities being present and 1032 being absent. However, PRACE-27 identified 38 comorbidities that were deemed as being absent by MI while MI identified 7 comorbidities that were deemed absent by PRACE-27 [OR = 5.4, 95% CI: 2.4–14.4, ].