Research Article

A Cost Effective Desalination Plant Using a Solar Chimney with Recycled Aluminum Can Collector

Table 2

Dimensions and specifications of RAC solar collector.

Data assumedValue(s)

Length of collector1.5 m
Width of collector0.6 m
Length of absorber plate ()1.5 m
Width of absorber plate ()0.6 m
Spacing between absorber plate and bottom plate ()1.5 cm
Air flow rate ()200 kg/hr
Air inlet temperature ()30°C
Ambient temperature ()28°C
Solar flux incident on the collector face ()950 W/m2-°C
Transmissivity ()0.85
Top loss coefficient ()6.2 W/m2-°C
Bottom loss coefficient ()0.8 W/m2-°C
Emissivity top plate and bottom plate surfaces = 0.95