Research Article

Experimental Studies on Electronic Configuration Mixing for the Even-Parity Levels of Gd I Using Isotope Shifts Recorded in the Visible Region with FTS

Table 5

Even-parity energy levels (cm−1) belonging to 4f85d6s configuration are listed separately in Table 5. Configurations, terms, and values have been taken from [1]. LIS (cm−1) values have been referred from [69].

ConfigurationTermEnergy level (cm−1) LIS, (cm−1)Suggested configuration

4f85d6s 9G 24854.297c60.0374f85d6s
(4f85d6s) 9F27040.865d40.0554f85d6s
(4f85d6s) 9F27041.751a30.0634f85d6s
4f85d6s? 7F?28414.925a50.0374f85d6s
4f85d6s? 7D?31327.520c30.0484f85d6s

aThis level has been encountered in [6]. bThis level has been encountered in [7]. cThis level has been encountered in [8]. dThis level has been encountered in [9]. Configuration stated in parenthesis of a level is the configuration assignment made in this laboratory and reported in [6].