Research Article

Study on Fracture Healing with Small-Splint-Fixation Therapy by Near-Infrared Raman Spectroscopy

Table 1

Raman peak position and vibrational mode assignment.

Peak positions (cm−1)Major assignments

430 𝜐 2 vibration of phosphate
590 𝜐 4 vibration of phosphate
815C–C stretch backbone
856C–C stretch vibration of proline
876C–C stretch of hydroxyproline
960P–O symm. stretch ( P O 4 3 )
1003phenylalanine ring breathing
1071C–O in plane stretch ( C O 3 2 )
1246C–N–H stretch of Amide III
1450C–H bending mode of protein and lipid
1667C–C–N stretch of amide I