Research Article

Elimination of the Actin-Binding Domain in Kelch-Like 1 Protein Induces T-Type Calcium Channel Modulation Only in the Presence of Action Potential Waveforms

Figure 4

Changes in the repolarization slope of the SQAP fail to enable upregulation of C a v 3.2 by ΔKelch. (a) SQAP waveforms with instantaneous repolarization (black), midrange depolarization slope (70 mV/ms, blue), and slower repolarization (35 mV/ms, orange). (b) Percentage of increase in calcium influx with the three waveforms with respect to control; the extent of the changes induced by the original APWs is shown with dotted lines ( 𝐾 = K L H L 1 ;   Δ 𝐾 = Δ K e l c h ); 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 .