Research Article

The Severity of Autism Is Associated with Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Cell Glutathione Levels

Table 2

Urinary excretion of toxic metals in Phase 1, at baseline and after 9th dose of DMSA, in mcg/g creatinine. Creatinine values have units of mg/dL. N = 63. The metals are listed in approximate order of effect of DMSA on excretion. Significant results are highlighted in bold font.

ElementBaselineAfter 9th doseAfter 9th dose versus baseline

Pb 638%
Sn 314%
Bi 128%
U 111%
Hg 13%
Tl 42%
Sb 42%
W 18%
Al 21%
Ni 12%
Cd −14%
As −19%
Creatinine −15%

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