Research Article

A Toxicological Evaluation of a Standardized Hydrogenated Extract of Curcumin (CuroWhite™)

Table 9

Summary of histopathological findings.

Group (mg/kg bw/day)G1-control

Organs and observations, male
 Multiple organs: autolytic changes0/101/10/
 Liver: MNC infiltration5/102/10/
 Kidneys: MNC infiltration5/101/10/
 Lungs: MNC infiltration, perivascular2/101/10/
 Lungs: bronchopneumonia, congestion, alveolar edema0/101/10/
 Salivary glands: MNC infiltration2/100/10/
 Spinal cord: MNC infiltration1/101/10/
 Epididymis: MNC infiltration1/100/10/
 Eyes: periorbital inflammation1/101/10/
 Urinary bladder: MNC infiltration0/101/10/
Organs and observations, female
 Multiple organs: autolytic changes0/100/101/1
 Liver: MNC infiltration5/102/100/1
 Kidneys: MNC infiltration5/102/100/1
 Lungs: MNC infiltration, perivascular5/103/100/1
 Lungs: congestion, alveolar edema0/100/101/1
 Thymus: epithelial cyst1/100/100/1

MNC: mononuclear cell. Symbols.  Not examined. Animal number 31 was found dead on Day 63. Animal number 99 was found dead on Day 62. Notes. Data represent the incidence of the observation (number of animals with observation per number of animals observed).