Research Article

Histological, Genotoxic, and Biochemical Effects on Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns 1842) (Cyprinodontiformes, Poeciliidae): Early Response Bioassays to Assess the Impact of Receiving Waters

Figure 4

Analysis of DNA damage measured by comet assay in peripheral blood erythrocytes of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus exposed to different treatments, as indicated by the genetic damage index (GDI). Treatments: NC (negative control, MHW); CP (positive control, 5 mg cyclophosphamide/L); RR (surface water of the Reconquista River); RR+Cd (surface water of the Reconquista River with 2 mg Cd/L); Cd (2 mg Cd/L). Significant differences with respect to control values at p < 0.001. Number of individuals analyzed in each treatment: 8-10.