Research Article

Front-Loading Sputum Microscopy Services: An Opportunity to Optimise Smear-Based Case Detection of Tuberculosis in High Prevalence Countries

Table 1

Incremental yield of serial smears collected as spot-morning-spot or spot-Xspot-morning specimens.

Country ≥1 pos. smear,First spot pos. Standard approachFront-loaded approach
N (%)N (%)Incremental yield, N (%)N (%) detectedIncremental yield, N (%)N (%) detected
MorningSecond spotXspotMorning

Ethiopia24352 (21)45 (87)4 (8)2 (4)51(98)4 (8)3 (6)52 (100)
Nepal20655 (25)39 (71)7 (13)5 (9)51 (93)5 (9)6 (11)50 (91)
Nigeria22448 (21)45 (94)3 (6)048 (100)2 (4)1 (2)48 (100)
Yemen25061 (24)52 (85)8 (13)060 (98)7 (12)1 (2)60 (98)

All923216 (23)181 (84)22 (10)7 (3)210 (97)18 (8)11 (5)210 (97)

= number; pos = positive; Xspot = Extra spot collected one hour after the first spot sputum specimen.