Research Article

Deformities due to Leprosy in Children under Fifteen Years Old as an Indicator of Quality of the Leprosy Control Programme in Brazilian Municipalities

Table 2

Clinical and epidemiological features of notified leprosy cases in children under 15 years old according to their degree of deformity in Almenara, Araçuaí, and Diamantina between 1998 and 2010.

Degree of physical deformity
(%) (%) (%)

 Female66 (91,7)5 (6,9)1 (1,4)
 Male53 (77,9)9 (13,3)6 (8,8)
Operational classification*
 Paucibacillary83 (97,6)2 (2,4)
 Multibacillary36 (65,5)12 (21,8)7 (12,7)
Clinical forms**
 Indeterminate66 (100)
 Tuberculoid17 (89,5)2 (10,5)
 Borderline33 (67,3)10 (24,4)6 (12,2)
 Lepromatous3 (50,0)2 (33,3)1 (16,7)
Skin smear***
 Negative24 (80,0)3 (10,0)3 (10,0)
 Positive4 (100,0)
 Not performed17 (100,0)
 Ignored74 (75,7)11 (12,8)4 (4,7)
Detection mode****
 Referral23 (88,5)1 (3,8)2 (7,7)
 Self-referred 68 (85,0)8 (10,0)4 (5,0)
 Group examination1 (100,0)
 Contact examination24 (80,0)5 (16,7)1 (3,3)
 Ignored3 (100,0)

Total119 (85,0)14 (10,0)7 (5,0)

 *World Health Organization classification according to number of skin lesions and nerve involvement: paucibacillary (up to 05 lesions and involvement of only one nerve) and multibacillary (more than 05 lesions and involvement of more than one nerve).
**Clinical form based on the Madrid classification.
***Not performed: skin smear was not performed; ignored: the information is not available at SINAN.
****Referral: at referral centre; self-referred: patients report on their own to health centre; group examination: mass surveys and campaigns; contact examination: detection by examination of household contacts.