Research Article

Urogenital Schistosomiasis among Schoolchildren and the Associated Risk Factors in Selected Rural Communities of Kwara State, Nigeria

Table 4

Univariate analysis of epidemiological factors for urinary schistosomiasis in the study area.

Factors Prevalence Odd ratio (95% CI) value

Occupation of the parent
 Government worker195/69 (35.4)1
 Trader203/85 (41.9)1.19 (0.87–2.32)0.062
 Unemployed326/178 (53.1)2.12 (1.54–2.39)0.003
Frequency of water contact
 Daily380/175 (46.1)1.84 (0.54–2.19)<0.001
 Weekly134/79 (58.9)2.01 (1.88–2.49)0.004
 Monthly210/78 (37.1)1
Source of water
 Pipe borne98/36 (36.7)1
 Well117/52 (44.4)0.98 (0.72–1.53)0.061
 Stream/river509/244 (47.9)2.77 (2.80–3.01)0.002
Duration of activities in water
 Long (>5 minutes)479/231 (48.2)0.58 (0.21–0.83)0.319
 Short (≤5 minutes)245/101 (41.2)1
Awareness of infection
 Yes197/53 (26.9)1
 No509/279 (52.9)2.87 (1.33–3.04)0.004