Research Article

The Incidence of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Infants in Kenya

Table 2

(a) Comparative clinical characteristics of those investigated for presumptive TB and infants with NTM isolated (categorical).

Clinical CharacteristicsPresumptive TB NTM +ve OR (95%CI)
N (column %)N (row%)

Any TB case (clinical or confirmed)
No694 (94%)16 (2.3%)1 (ref)
Yes48 (6.5%)3 (6.3%)11.6 (3.25, 41.0)

MTBC +ve TB case
No733 (99%)17 (2.3%)1 (ref)
Yes9 (1%)2 (22.2%)48.3 (9.34, 249)

Chest Radiograph
Normal590 (80%)13 (2.2%)1(ref)
Abnormal not TB110 (15%)4 (3.6%)1.71 (0.55, 5.35)
Abnormal TB35 (5.0%)2 (5.7%)2.80 (0.61, 12.9)
missing 7 (0.9%)

Keith Edward TB score
<7675 (90%)17 (2.5%)1 (ref)
>=732 (4.3%)2 (6.3%)2.62 (0.58, 11.9)
Missing35 (4.7%)

Reason for TB suspicion
History of hospitalization
No283 (38%)8 (3.4%)1 (ref)
Yes426 (57%)11(2.6%)0.78 (0.31, 1.97)
Missing33 (5.0%)

TB Contact History
No579 (78%)13(2.3%)1 (ref)
Yes131 (18%)6 (4.6%)2.57 (0.96, 6.88)
Missing32 (4.0%)

TST results
Negative555 (76%)14 (74%)1 (ref)
Positive172 (24%)5 (26%)1.15 (0.41, 3.25)

TB symptoms
No530 (71%)15 (2.8%)1 (ref)
Yes180 (24%)4 (2.2%)0.85 (0.28, 2.58)
Missing32 (4.0%)

Nutritional Status at admission
Healthy379 (51%)8 (2.1%)1 (ref)
At risk195 (27%)6 (3.0%)1.48 (0.51, 4.32)
Moderate Acute113 (15%)2 (1.8%)0.84 (0.18, 4.03)
Malnutrition (MAM)
Severe Acute40 (5%)3 (7.5%)3.73 (0.95, 14.7)
Malnutrition (SAM)
Missing15 (2%)

(b) Comparative clinical characteristics for those investigated for presumptive TB and infants with NTM isolated (continuous variable).

Clinical Characteristic CategoriesnMean age (95% CI)Rank sum p- value/t-test p value

Mean age at TB investigation (months)NTM negative Presumptive TB7189.34 (8.95, 9.74)0.20

NTM case1911.0 (8.02, 13.9)
