Research Article

Incidence and Predictors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Children Who Received Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), Northwest Ethiopia: A Multicenter Historical Cohorts Study 2009–2019

Table 4

Clinical presentations of seropositive children before confirmed PTB/TB diagnosed in selected public facility Northwest Ethiopia, 2020.

Types of TB (N = 63)Frequency (%)PresentationCough (%)Fever (%)Night sweating (%)Weight loss (%)Hemoptysis (%)

SNPTB36 (57.2)Present31 (88.5%)27 (72.7)23 (60.6%)23 (60.6%)8 (15.5%)
Absent5 (15.5%)9 (27.7%)13 (39.3%)13 (39.3%)24 (72.3%)
SPPTB25 (41.2)Present18 (70.8%)24 (95.5%)15 (58.3%)14 (54.2%)7 (25%)
Absent7 (29.2%)1 (5.5%)10 (42.6%)11 (45.8%)18 (75%)
EXPTB2 (3.5%)Present1 (50%)2 (100)1 (50%)2 (100)0
Absent1 (50%)01 (50%)02 (100)

SNPTP: smear negative pulmonary TB; SPPTB: smear positive pulmonary TB; EXPTB: extrapulmonary TB.