Research Article

Ultrasound Risk Categories for Thyroid Nodules and Cytology Results: A Single Institution’s Experience after the Adoption of the 2016 Update of Medical Guidelines by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Associazione Medici Endocrinologi

Table 3

Distribution of cytologic results according to the ultrasound risk categories of nodules evaluated by fine needle aspiration.


Low risk
2927633300TIR2 versus others < 0.01

Intermediate risk
51328931142TIR2 versus others < 0.01

High risk
3135215TIR5 versus others < 0.01

NSLow versus intermediate risk = NSLow versus intermediate risk < 0.01Low versus intermediate risk = NSLow versus intermediate risk = NSLow versus intermediate risk = NS
Low versus high risk < 0.01Low versus high risk = NSLow versus high risk < 0.01Low versus high risk < 0.01Low versus high risk < 0.01
Intermediate versus high risk < 0.01Intermediate versus high risk = NSIntermediate versus high risk < 0.01Intermediate versus high risk < 0.05Intermediate versus high risk < 0.01