Review Article

Molecular Imaging: A Promising Tool to Monitor Islet Transplantation

Figure 2

In vivo imaging of intrahepatically transplanted human islets. (a) Representative images of NOD.scid mice with transplanted islets. On in vivo images, Feridex-labeled islets appeared as signal voids scattered throughout the liver. (b) Nonlabeled islets were not detectable using the same imaging parameters. (c) In vivo time course imaging of immune rejection in immunocompetent (upper row) and immunocompromised (lower row) animals. Representative images are shown from days 2, 10, and 14 after transplantation. Note that the signal voids (arrows) representing labeled islets/islet clusters tend to disappear faster in Balb/c mice, reproduced with permission from American Diabetes Association [78].