Research Article

Molecular Signatures of Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma Secondary to Hepatitis C Virus following Liver Transplantation

Table 2

Top canonical pathways: significant molecular pathways regulated in HCC-R.

Up-regulated in HCC-RP valueGenes

Cell cycle: G1/S checkpoint regulation CDKN2B, E2F2, E2F5, GNL3, HDAC2, MDM2, MYC, PA2G4
RAN signaling KPNA2, KPNB1, RANBP1, RCC1
Chronic myeloid leukemia signaling E2F2, E2F5, HDAC2, MDM2, MYC, PA2G4
Molecular mechanisms of cancer CDKN2B, E2F2, E2F5, FANCD2, FZD3, MDM2, MYC, PA2G4, PLCB1, PMAIP1
Cyclins and cell cycle regulation CDKN2B, E2F2, E2F5, HDAC2, PA2G4

Downregulated in HCC-R -valueGenes

Nicotine degradation II FMO3, FMO4, INMT
FXR/RXR activation FETUB, SLC10A1, SLC22A7
Complement system C7, MASP1
Hepatic cholestasis GCGR, SLC10A1, SLC22A7
Catecholamine biosynthesis DBH