Review Article

Does Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin (Thymoglobuline®) Have a Role in Avoiding Delayed Graft Function in the Modern Era of Kidney Transplantation?

Table 4

Results of a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected from 45 frequency-matched DCD kidney transplant patients given rATG (2.5 mg/kg intraoperatively and 1.25 mg/kg on day 4) or daclizumab (2 x 1 mg/kg) as induction, with immediate CsA, MMF and steroids [74].

P value

DGF, %52650.08

Dialysis sessions, n38620.0001

Hospitalized days post-transplant, n95,600167,2000.0004

BPAR, %0130.003

Mean healthcare cost per patient by year 1 (£)14,90418,9290.002

BPAR, biopsy-proven acute rejection; CsA, cyclosporine; DCD, donation after cardiac death; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; rATG, rabbit antithymocyte globulin; DGF, delayed graft function.