Review Article

Drug-Induced Hematological Cytopenia in Kidney Transplantation and the Challenges It Poses for Kidney Transplant Physicians

Table 3

Indications for platelet transfusion in thrombocytopenia.

Platelet count/Clinical scenarioAction / Platelet target

Thrombocytopenia with bleedingTransfuse platelet

Platelet <10,000/ulTransfuse [274276]

Platelet count ≥ 10,000/ul and no bleedingObserve [262, 274]

Thrombocytopenia for major surgery (Excluding neurosurgical procedure)Keep platelet count Keep platelet ≥ 50,000/ul [277]

Gastroscopy and biopsy, insertion of indwelling lines, transbronchial biopsy, liver biopsyKeep platelet ≥ 50,000/ul [278]

Thrombocytopenia planning for neurosurgeryKeep platelet ≥100,000 /ul [278]

Kidney BiopsyKeep platelet ≥100,000 /ul [281]

Lumber punctureKeep platelet ≥ 50,000/ul [280]