Research Article

Trypanosomosis, Its Risk Factors, and Anaemia in Cattle Population of Dale Wabera District of Kellem Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia

Table 1

Prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis according to sex, age, and body condition score in Dale Wabera district.

Host related risk factorsNumber of examined cattleNumber of infected cattlePrevalence (%) value

 Female 13 2 1.45 1.485 0.223
 Male 247 9 3.64
 Total384 11 2.86
 <2 year25 0 0 3.397 0.183
 2–5 years 158 4 2.53
 >5 years 201 7 3.48
 Total384 11 2.86
Body condition
 Good 153 4 2.61 0.1120.945
 Medium142 4 2.81
 Poor 89 3 3.37
 Total384 11 2.86