Research Article

The NF- 𝜅 B Inhibitor Curcumin Blocks Sepsis-Induced Muscle Proteolysis

Figure 9

The heat shock response is not involved in the effects of curcumin on protein breakdown in incubated muscles from septic rats. (a) Muscles from septic rats (16 hours after CLP) were incubated for 2 hours in the absence (control) or presence of 100 M curcumin followed by determination of hsp-70 levels by Western blotting. Similar results were observed in three repeated experiments. (b) Protein breakdown rates in muscles from septic rats incubated for 2 hours in the absence or presence of 100 M curcumin or 100 M curcumin + 100 mM quercetin. Results are means ±SEM with 𝑃 < . 0 5 in each group. * 𝜅 versus control by ANOVA.