Review Article

Release of Inflammatory Mediators by Human Adipose Tissue Is Enhanced in Obesity and Primarily by the Nonfat Cells: A Review

Figure 1

The correlation between releases of 30 adipokines over 48 hours incubation by fat cells isolated from human adipose tissue as compared to gene expression of these adipokines at the start of the incubation. The release data are from Table 1 and expressed as release by fat cells as % of that by fat cells plus nonfat cells over 48 hours. The data for mRNA are derived from those shown in Table 2 except that they are plotted as the ΔCp for the difference between mRNA in fat cells and nonfat cells instead of the ratios, which are derived from the ΔCp values. Data are not included for resistin, CRP and IL-18 since release by fat cells was below the sensitivity of the assays and mRNA was not measured for MIF, HGF, VEGF, and VCAM-1.