Research Article

Attenuation of Myocardial Injury by HMGB1 Blockade during Ischemia/Reperfusion Is Toll-Like Receptor 2-Dependent

Figure 1

Quantification of myocardial damage after ischemia (30 min) and reperfusion (24 hrs). (a) The area at risk relative to the left ventricle (AR%LV) was not different between experimental groups. HMGB1 Box A reduced (b) infarct size relative to the AR (IS%AR) and (c) Troponin T plasma levels compared to vehicle-treated (Veh) WT animals. TLR2−/− mice showed reduced myocardial damage compared to WT mice, whereas Box A had no protective effect in these animals. Injection with HMGB1 did not aggravate myocardial necrosis in both genotypes. (d) Hearts perfused with EvansBlue (EB, above) were cut into five equal sections, photographed, and incubated with p-nitro-blue-tetrazolium (NBT, below) for the quantification of AR and IS. .