Research Article

Local Overexpression of Interleukin-11 in the Central Nervous System Limits Demyelination and Enhances Remyelination

Figure 2

Quantification of the effect of prophylactic overexpression of IL-11 on demyelination, OPCs, OLs, and microglia. Quantitative analysis of coronal brain sections revealed that IL-11 (i) limits demyelination, as evident by a larger luxol fast blue-stained myelinated area (a), (ii) prevents the degeneration of mature OLs and limits proliferation of OPC’s as demonstrated by immunostaining with CC1 (b) and NG2 (c), and (iii) limited microgliosis (d) and activation of microglia (e). Data is expressed as mean ± SEM ( animals per group). Statistical significance is analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test. , , as compared to healthy control; * , ** , *** compared to 5 wk CUP + PBS group; # , ## , ### compared to 5 wk CUP + eGFP-LV group. Quantification was performed in the corpus callosum of at least three coronal brain sections per mouse.