Research Article

Protective Effect of Baccharis trimera Extract on Acute Hepatic Injury in a Model of Inflammation Induced by Acetaminophen

Figure 8

Sections of the livers of rats 24 hours after administration of PBS (a), extract of B. trimera (b), APAP (c), and B. trimera extract and APAP (d), showing (a) normal rats liver with no significant hepatic abnormalities; (b) normal rat liver with no significant hepatic abnormalities; (c) hepatic lesions, hydropic degeneration, inflammation (white arrow) and hemorrhage (black arrow); (d) well-formed polygonal hepatocytes and relatively reduced hydropic degeneration. CV: central vein; VS: venous sinuses; PT: portal triads; liver sections were stained with H & E (400x).
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