Research Article

Relationship of MMP-14 and TIMP-3 Expression with Macrophage Activation and Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Vulnerability

Table 5

Correlations of immunostains with histological parameters for plaque vulnerability in human carotid plaques.

Plaque characteristic% of MMP-14hi FCMs% of TIMP-3hi FCMs
rho valuerho value

Macrophage density790.453<0.001680.3160.009
SMC density760.466<0.001660.2830.021
% of MMP-14hi FCMsxxx710.3660.002
% of COX-2+ FCMs320.726<0.001280.185 0.345
% of CD206+ FCMs270.013 0.948 270.6060.001

Correlations are shown between the percentage of CD68 positive foam-cell macrophages (FCMs) also positive for MMP-14 and TIMP-3 with quantitative histological markers and percentage of CD68 positive for COX-2 and CD206 using Spearman correlation tests. Negative correlations are shown in italics.