Research Article

Active Smoking Increases Microsomal PGE2-Synthase-1/PGE-Receptor-4 Axis in Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Table 4

Plasma levels of PGE2 in the AAA samples stratified by cardiovascular risk factors. The number of patients in every group is indicated in Table 1. Plasma levels of PGE2 are expressed as pg/mL.

Median25th–75th percentile value versus no-factora

 No current smoking55.939.3–71.1
 Current smoking68.057.1–119.50.008
 No renal insufficiency58.444.0–71.4
 Renal insufficiency59.439.3–104.30.786
 No hypertension70.153.0–95.2
 No diabetes mellitus56.538.6–94.9
 Diabetes mellitus60.755.8–68.80.294
 No hyperlipidemia55.844.5–101.9
 No COPDb59.443.3–74.3

Mann-Whitney rank sum test.
bChronic occlusive pulmonary disease.