Review Article

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Role of Oleic Acid-Triggered Lung Injury and Inflammation

Table 2

Functions of the main lung cell types affected in ARDS-lung injury.

Cell typeFunctions

Alveolar type I cellMajority of the alveolar surface coverage, alveolar-capillary barrier formation, alveolar fluid clearance, and gas exchange

Alveolar type II cellSurfactant secretion, epithelial cell regeneration after injuries, alveolar-capillary barrier formation, alveolar fluid clearance, gas exchange, and inflammatory mediators formation

Endothelial cellAlveolar-capillary barrier formation, gas exchange, and inflammatory mediators production

Alveolar macrophagesDanger-associated molecular patterns recognition, immune response triggering, and chemotactic and inflammatory mediators secretion