Review Article

Microparticles That Form Immune Complexes as Modulatory Structures in Autoimmune Responses

Table 2

MPs as mediators of communication between cells.

EffectsCell source of MPs target cellIn vitro generation of MPsContent of MPsREF

Chemotaxis of mononuclear phagocytes to the endotheliumPlatelets endothelial cellsApoptosisRANTES/CCL5[54]

Nonspecific chemotaxisPlatelets human neutrophilsPGE1Fibrinogen receptor Glycoproteins and integrin IIb3[33, 55]

Effects on cell proliferation and differentiationPlatelets endothelial cells Tumoral cells (human)Cells activation and starvationmiRNA[56, 57]
Platelets endothelial precursors
Tumoral cells different types of cells
PGE1Epidermal growth factor receptor [33, 55]

Apoptosis of endothelial cells and inhibition of osteoclastogenesis in RAPlatelets endothelial cells, osteoclastActivationmiRNA-223[58]

Induction of GLUT4 expression in insulin-resistant cellsPlatelets endothelial cellsActivationmiRNA-223[59, 60]

Endothelial activationMyeloid pyroptotic and activated cells endothelium and leukocytes (humans)ApoptosisIL-1-[54]

Synthesis of sphingomyelinase, M2 activation, and cell deathHuman macrophages endothelial cellsCalcium-mediated apoptosisAA[61, 62]

Coagulation, cell transformation, and inhibition of endothelial cellsMononuclear, endothelial, and tumoral cells platelets Staurosporine-induced apoptosis Cardiolipin, platelet activating factor[63, 64]

CoagulationMononuclear cells platelets, megakaryocytesApoptosisCCR5[65]
Monocytes platelets (humans)Thrombin activationTissue factor[33, 55]

Antigen presentation, cross-presentation, and anergyAmong leukocytes (humans)ApoptosisMHC[33, 55]

Expression of receptors from other cellular origins and transformationTumor, stem, and endothelial precursor cells platelets, myeloid cell lines (humans)Overgrowth and activationmRNA[66ā€“68]