Review Article

Lysosome and Cytoskeleton Pathways Are Robustly Enriched in the Blood of Septic Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Transcriptomic Data

Table 1

(a) GEO series included in the study for sepsis in human. (b) Patient characteristics, source of infection, and time of data collection.

GEO accessionComparison groupsProbe IDPublication (PMID)

GSE30119Healthy () versus sepsis ()4880222496797

GSE8121Nonseptic () versus septic shock_day 1 () versus septic shock_day 3 ()5467517932561

GSE9692Normal () versus septic shock ()5467518460642

GSE28750Healthy () versus Sepsis () versus post-surgical ()5467521682927

GSE13015Platform6106: nonsepsis () versus septicemic melioidosis () versus sepsis_other infection ()4868719903332
Platform6947: nonsepsis () versus melioidosis () versus sepsis_other infection ()4880319903332

GSE21802Healthy () versus sepsis without MV () versus sepsis with MV ()4870120840779


GEO accessionPatients characteristicsSource of infectionTime of data collection

GSE30119Age >10 and <18 year-old
Septic pediatrics
Blood and marrow or arthritis ()
Lung ()
Skin ()
Only 77 patients had identified positive infecting organism
Different days during hospitalization
≤3 days ()
3–7 days ()
≥7 days ()

GSE8121Age <10 year-old
Septic shock pediatrics
Blood (15)
Lung (3)
Urine (1)
Retropharyngeal abscess (1)
Only 20 patients had identified positive infecting organism
(1) Within 24 h of admission to ICU (day 1)
(2) 48 h after day 1 (day 3)

GSE9692Age <10 year-old
Septic shock pediatrics
Blood (10)
Lung (1)
Cerebral spinal fluid (1)
Other (2)
Retropharyngeal abscess (1)
Only 15 patients had identified positive infecting organism
Within 24 h of admission to ICU

GSE28750Age >18 year-old
BMI < 40
Septic patients
All bloodSeptic patients: within 24 h of admission
Post-surgical patients: within 24 h following surgery

GSE13015Age >18 year-old
Septic patients
All blood Within 7 days of diagnose

GSE21802Age >18 and <65 year-old
Septic patients with confirmed H1N1 infection
Lung ()Early period (before day 9 in the course of the disease)
Late period (from day 9 in the course of the disease)

GSE13015 was a published study using 2 different microarray platforms and in different patients, therefore was considered as two separate studies in the statistical analysis.