Research Article

Imiquimod Treatment Causes Systemic Disease in Mice Resembling Generalized Pustular Psoriasis in an IL-1 and IL-36 Dependent Manner

Figure 2

Topical imiquimod cream application causes systemic disease in mice resembling that observed in GPP patients. Male C57BL/6J mice ( per group) were treated daily with 62.5 mg 5% imiquimod cream (Perrigo, open bars and symbols) or were sham-treated (black bars and symbols). Behavioral changes (physical activity (a and b) and nest building (c and d)), pain (posture (e and f), nose bulging (g and h), and orbital tightening (i and j)), and anorexia (food intake (k and l) and mouse body weight (m)) were evaluated and scored as described in Table 1. Total disease scores (n) were calculated as the sum of individual scores for each mouse and group means (SD) shown. ND: no disease detected, score = 0. Graphed data from one representative experiment of more than 3 independent experiments is shown as means SD. ; ; (comparing imiquimod to control at individual timepoints). Pictures from independent experiments were taken at day 4.