Research Article

Platelet-Rich Plasma as an Autologous and Proangiogenic Cell Delivery System

Figure 3

Time-lapse pictures of HUVEC and MSC mono- and cocultures. GFP-positive HUVECs (green) and PKH26 Red prestained MSCs were encapsulated in PRP (seeding density: 2.5 × 103 cells/μl gel) and time-lapse microscopy ran for two weeks. Four different cell proportions were seeded: 100% MSCs (100 M, first column), 100% HUVECs (100 H, second column), 75% HUVECs–25% MSCs (75 HM, third column), and 50% HUVECs–50% MSCs (50 HM, fourth column). Representative pictures of five time points are shown: day 0 (d0), day 3 (d3), day 7 (d7), day 10 (d10), and day 14 (d14). Cellular organization towards formation of tube-like networks starting from day 3 was observed in mono- and cocultures in PRP over time but not in the condition of 100% MSCs. After one week, a complex cellular network could be detected in both cocultures which was still apparent after two weeks. Cellular networks in HUVEC monocultures disintegrated after 10 days. Scale bar = 200 μm.