Research Article

Expression and Function of Granzymes A and B in Escherichia coli Peritonitis and Sepsis

Figure 5

Histopathology of the liver and lung from wild-type, gzmA−/−, gzmB−/−, and gzmAxB−/− mice during E. coli peritonitis. Mice were infected intraperitoneally with CFU E. coli and sacrificed at 6, 14, and 20 h after infection. Pictures of hematoxylin-eosin staining of representative tissue samples are shown; original magnification 10x; inset shows a 40x magnification of a thrombus (arrow); scale bars: 200 μm. For each organ slide (1 per mouse), the whole section was examined and scored. (a), (b), (c), and (d) show, respectively, wild-type and gmzA−/−, gzmB−/−, and gzmAxB−/− mice ((b), (c), and (d) presenting necrotic areas) livers 14 h after infection. Necrosis (expressed as percentage in (i)) and thrombi (j) were found at 14 and 20 h in the liver. (e), (f), (g), and (h) show, respectively, wild-type and gmzA−/−, gzmB−/−, and gzmAxB−/− mice lungs 20 h after infection. Semiquantitative histology total score of lung slides are represented (k). Data are box-and-whisker diagrams depicting the smallest observation, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and largest observation.  = 7-8 per group at each time point. determined by Mann–Whitney U test.