Research Article

Comparison of Oropharyngeal Microbiota from Children with Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis

Figure 1

Structure of the throat microbiome of healthy children, children with asthma, and children with CF. (a) Microbial compositions of the whole microbiota were visualized by PCoA. The lines represent the 95% confidence interval assuming a multivariate t-distribution (full lines) or a multivariate normal distribution (dashed lines). (b) The presence/absence of the 88 most abundant bacteria (>0.1% relative abundance) was compared between the three groups and is displayed as a Venn diagram. (c) Relative abundance of the 55 most abundant OTUs in each sample clustered according to the cohorts. The mock community was an assembly of DNA from 20 known species with equimolar ribosomal RNA operon counts (100,000 copies per organism per μL). (d) Correlation plots of the major OTUs with the two first axes of the PCoA.