Research Article

Th1/Th17-Related Cytokines and Chemokines and Their Implications in the Pathogenesis of Pemphigus Vulgaris

Figure 2

Serum profile of other proinflammatory cytokines in Pemphigus vulgaris. Levels of (a) IL-2, (b) TNF-α, (c) IL-12, (d) IL-6, (e) IL-23, (f) IL-13, (g) IL-5, (h) IL-15, and (i) IL-33 in Healthy Donors (⬤) and Pemphigus vulgaris patients (■). Error bars represent median ± SD. ; ; ; Mann–Whitney test. (j) Radar plot representation of serum proinflammatory cytokine profile. The lines highlight the fold change in cytokine levels in Pemphigus vulgaris patients (gray line) in relation to Healthy Donors (black line). Data were obtained by calculating the ratio between the median concentration of each cytokine in the Pemphigus vulgaris group and in the healthy group.