Research Article

Low-Copy Number Polymorphism in DEFA1/DEFA3 Is Associated with Susceptibility to Hospital-Acquired Infections in Critically Ill Patients

Table 1

Basic characteristics of two groups at ICU admission.

CharacteristicsHAIs ()Controls () value

Age (yr), mean ± SD61.96 ± 14.2461.98 ± 13.370.992
Male sex, n (%)74 (69.8%)66 (60.6%)0.198
Source of ICU admittance, n (%)0.02
 Emergency department38 (35.8%)20 (18.3%)
 General ward9 (8.5%)7 (6.4%)
 Operating or recovery room55 (51.9%)82 (75.2%)
 Other ICU4 (3.8%)0 (0%)
APS score, median, IQR11 (7–18.25)6 (5–12)<0.001
APACHE II, median, IQR16 (11–22)11 (8–16)<0.001
SOFA, median, IQR5 (1–7)3 (1–6)0.024
Length of hospital stay (days), median, IQR24 (16–34)16 (11–26)<0.001
Length of ICU stay (days), median, IQR11 (5–17)4 (2–5)<0.001
28-day mortality, n (%)14 (13.2%)8 (7.4%)0.181

HAIs: hospital-acquired infections; n: number of subjects; APS: Acute Physiology Score, APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score II; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. Values are presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD), median (interquartile range (IQR)), or n (%). Continuous variables with normal distribution are presented as the “mean ± SD”; continuous variables with abnormal distribution are presented as the “median, IQR”; categorical variables are presented as “n (%).” Each value < 0.05 was considered to be significant. The value was obtained by t-test or Mann–Whitney test for continuous variables and chi-square test for categorical variables.