Research Article

Elevated Expression of AXL May Contribute to the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

Figure 1

Diverse expression patterns of TAM receptors and their ligands at the site of colon inflammation in rat experimental colitis. The relative gene expression of TAM receptors Tyro3 (a), Axl (b), and Mertk (c) and their ligands Gas6 (d) and Pros1 (e) as well as the EMT-inducer Snai1 (f) is shown from control (left columns, ), uninflamed (middle columns, ), and inflamed (right columns, ) rat colon sections. (g–i) Protein expression of Axl on rat colon sections. Data on (a–f) are presented as the mean ± SEM; . Scale bar for (g–i): 100 μm; blue: DAPI; green: Axl protein.