Review Article

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in SMAD7 and CHI3L1 and Colorectal Cancer Risk

Table 3

Staging and survival of CRC.

Dukes’ stagingTNM stagingDescriptionSurvival (%)

Stage 0Carcinoma in situ
AStage INo nodal involvement, no metastasis, tumor invades submucosa (T1, N0, M0), tumor invades muscularis (T2, N0, M0)90–100%
BStage IINo nodal involvement, no metastasis, tumor invades subserosa (T3, N0, M0), invade other organ (T4, N0, M0)75–85%
CStage IIIRegional lymph nodes involved (any T, N1, M0)30–40%
DStage IVDistant metastasis (any T, any N, M1)<5%