Research Article

Adalimumab Accounts for Long-Term Control of Noninfectious Uveitis Also in the Absence of Concomitant DMARD Treatment: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

Table 2

Ocular control of adalimumab (ADA) therapy, overall and stratified according to the concomitant use of DMARDs.

Observed6 months12 months>12 months

Overall, N (%)
 N. obs.106927855
 Ocular control77 (83.7)65 (83.3)52 (94.6)
 No ocular control15 (16.3)13 (16.7)3 (5.5)

Stratified according to reason for ADA beginning:
Ocular (+/- systemic)
 N. obs.76655636
 Ocular control54 (83.1)45 (80.4)33 (91.7)
 N. observed30272719
 Ocular control23 (85.2)23 (90.9)19 (100.0)

Stratified according to DMARD cotreatment in the first year:
 Only ADA group, N (%)
  N. obs.29252018
  Ocular control22 (88.0)17 (85.0)17 (94.4)
 ADA+DMARD group, N (%)
 N. obs.29292513
 Ocular control21 (72.4)19 (76.0)13 (100.0)

value from the comparison of proportions of ocular control in the “only ADA” vs. “ADA+DMARD” groups; ADA: adalimumab; DMARDs: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; n.c.: not calculable.