Research Article

HPV-16 Infection Is Associated with a High Content of CD39 and CD73 Ectonucleotidases in Cervical Samples from Patients with CIN-1

Figure 1

Expression of CD39 and CD73 in cervical cytologies of CIN-1 patients and normal donors (NDs). (a) Representative immunocytochemistry staining associated with the presence of ectonucleotidases CD39 and CD73 in cervical cytologies from NDs free of HPV infection and CIN-1 patients, positive either for HPV-16 (HPV-16) or for coinfection with HPV-16 and other HPV types (HPV-16+CI), or from HPV patients negative for HPV-16 (HPV-16neg) is shown in brown (10x magnification). Cells incubated only with the secondary antibody were included as a negative control (Ctl(-)). The presence of CD39 (b) and CD73 (c) proteins in cervical cytologies was analyzed through an Aperio AS device. The total expression density (TED) values are shown for each ND sample (circles), CIN-1 patients positive for HPV-16 (squares), patients with HPV-16+CI (triangles), and HPV-16neg patients (diamonds). indicates a statistically significant difference between groups. values were calculated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Student’s -test.