Research Article

CD4+ T Cell Profile and Activation Response in Sickle Cell Disease Patients with Osteonecrosis

Table 2

Demographic and hematology profiles for the bone marrow aspirate, from the SCD and non-SCD groups.

Non-SCD BM ()SCD BM () value

Age (y)36 (16-59)25.7 (9-57)
Male (%)61.150
WBC (×103/mm)7.8 (5.0-24.5)12.8 (6.2-31.9)0.081
Lym (%)34.5 (21.9-48.4)36.9 (5.2-55.4)0.450
RBC (×106/mm3)4.0 (2.1-6.3)3.1 (1.7-5.2)0.005
Hgb (g/dL)12.8 (7.1-17.8)10.3 (6.7-13.5)0.026
Hct (%)36.3 (19.9-57.2)31.7 (18.0-45.0)0.058
MCV (fL)88.9 (78.2-95.1)103.9 (71.0-135.5)0.001
MCH (pg)32.2 (23.3-37.9)35.6 (25.7-46.1)0.217
RDW (%)12.5 (10.2-16.3)14.8 (10.9-19.4)0.001
Plat (103/μL)8.0 (6.5-10.2)8.7 (7.8-9.8)0.037
CD34+CD45low (%)0.6 (1.3-0.2)0.5 (1.2-0.2)0.401

aResults are presented as median (min–max), except where noted otherwise. WBC: white blood cell; Lym: lymphocytes; RBC: red blood cells; Hgb: hemoglobin; Hct: hematocrit; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW: red cell distribution width; and Plat: platelets. Significance values are presented as ; , , , and .