Research Article

IL-33 Mediates Lung Inflammation by the IL-6-Type Cytokine Oncostatin M

Figure 5

AdOSM, but not AdIL-6, stimulates accumulation of CD25+ T1/ST2 ILC2 cells. C57Bl6 mice were endotracheally administered AdDl70 (control), AdOSM, or AdIL-6, sacrificed at day 7, and ILC2 cell accumulation examined by flow cytometry of whole lung cells. ILC2 cells were assessed by flow cytometry as being lineage-negative (CD3-, CD19-, NK1.1-, Ter119-, CD11b-, and F4/80-), CD45+, CD90.2+, Sca-1+, and T1/ST2+ (IL-33R) cells that expressed varying levels of CD25. (a) Representative flow cytometry plots showing gating strategy for detecting T1/ST2+ CD25+ ILC2 cells from naive, AdDl70, AdOSM, or AdIL-6 infected mice. (b) Frequency of T1/ST2+ CD25+ CD90+ Sca-1+ parent and T1/ST2+ CD25+ CD45+ Zombie- cells, and total lung cell numbers of T1/ST2+ CD25+ ILC2 cells in the mouse lungs of naive and adenoinfected animals. (c) Total IL-5+ T1/ST2 CD25+ ILC2 cells from mouse whole lung. (d) Flow cytometry-sorted ILC2 cells from naive mouse lungs were stimulated in vitro with IL-2 alone (control) or in combination with IL-33, OSM, or IL-6 and assessed for IL-5 or IL-13 from supernatants by ELISA. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple test. , . .