Research Article

Midregional Proadrenomedullin (MRproADM) Serum Levels in Critically Ill Patients Are Associated with Short-Term and Overall Mortality during a Two-Year Follow-Up

Table 4

Patient characteristics and comparison between survivors and nonsurvivors (ICU and overall survival).

ParameterAll patientsSurvivor ICUNonsurvivor ICUSurvivors overallNonsurvivor overall

Female, (%)79 (38.9)60 (37.5)19 (44.2)0.42545 (39.8)28 (35.4)0.538
Age median, (range) (years)64 (18-90)62 (18-90)71 (35-89)0.00260 (18-82)69 (22-90)<0.001
Charlson comorbitity index2 (0-9)2 (0-8)3 (3-9)0.0012 (0-6)3 (3-9)<0.001
APACHE II score, median (range)18 (2-43)16 (2-40)23 (5-43)0.00116 (3-40)20 (5-43)0.004
SOFA score, median (range)9 (0-17)7 (0-17)12 (7-17)<0.0017 (0-17)10 (3-17)0.997
Mechanical ventilation, (%)137 (68.2)96 (60.8)41 (95.3)<0.00168 (60.2)62 (79.5)0.005
Vasopressor demand, (%)125 (61.5)88 (55.0)37 (86.0)<0.00160 (53.1)58 (73.4)0.004
ICU days, median (range)7 (1-137)7 (1-137)7 (1-56)<0.0017 (1-137)7 (1-66)<0.001
Cystatin C, median (range) (mg/L)1.5 (0.5-8.4)1.4 (0.4-8.4)1.9 (1.0-3.4)0.1821.3 (0.4-4.7)1.7 (0.8-8.4)0.073
CRP, median (range) (mg/dL)103.5 (0-230)92 (5-230)118 (0-230)0.15884.5 (5-230)121 (0-230)0.064
Prothrombin time, median (range) (%)70 (0-100)71.3 (8-100)69 (0-99)0.17074 (8-100)69 (0-100)0.110
Lactate, median (range) (mmol/L)1.4 (0-19)1.5 (0.5-10.3)1.6 (0-19)0.0711.4 (0.4-10.3)1.5 (0-19)0.093
MRproADM day 1, median (range) (nmol/L)1.48 (0.1-35.2)2.2 (0.1-25.2)3.6 (0.2-27.0)0.0172 (19.4-0.1)3.2 (0.2-35.2)0.006

For quantitative variables, median and range (in parenthesis) are given. Abbreviations: APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; CRP: C-reactive protein; ICU: intensive care unit; MRproADM: midregional proadrenomedullin; SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment. Significance between sepsis and nonsepsis patients was assessed using the Mann–Whitney test, Fisher’s exact test, or chi-squared test, respectively.