Research Article

Involvement of Dendritic Cells and Th17 Cells in Induced Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in a Chronic Beryllium Disease Mouse Model

Figure 5

Characterization of B cell involvement in CBD mice. (a) Quantification of the numbers of focal dense infiltrates in lung sections, normalized for area in PBS-treated mice (white bar) and CBD mice (black bar) 8 weeks after initial exposure. (b) Flow cytometry analysis of B cells in single-cell lung digests of PBS mice (left) and CBD mice (right). CD19-positive cells are gated and analysed for IgM, IgD, PNA, and CD95. (c) Quantification of total B cells, CD95+PNA+ B cells, CD19+CD138+ plasma blasts, and CD19-CD138+ plasma cells in single-cell lung digest of PBS controls (white bars) and CBD mice (black bars). (d) Serums obtained from the indicated mice were assayed on Hep2 slides to detect IgG autoantibodies; serums from MRL-lpr mice served as a positive control. The results shown were expressed as the ((a) and (c); Mann-Whitney test: ). The results shown represent one out of two independent experiments with 3-4 mice per group.