Research Article

Single-Incision Single-Instrument Adnexal Surgery in Pediatric Patients

Table 3

Surgical pathology and cytology results.

PathologyNumber of patients Percentage of cohortCytologyNumber of patients Percent of cohort

Simple cyst or serous cystadenoma8432.9%No specimen sent18871.5%
Mucinous cystadenoma93.5%Benign mesothelial, epithelial, mucin-producing, or ciliated tubal cells4115.6%
Hemorrhagic follicle3714.5%Degenerated cells62.3%
Ovarian torsion176.7%Various benign leukocytes62.3%
Normal ovary20.8%Benign cystic teratoma10.4%
Paratubal or paraovarian cyst3513.7%Mesothelial cells and leukocytes31.1%
Hydrosalpinx41.6%Red blood cells103.8%
Mature teratoma5521.6%Nondiagnostic (no cells)72.7%
Malignant or premalignant lesion124.7%Atypical cells10.4%

For 1 patient no report was available and in 11 operations no specimen was sent.
In 8 patients no report was available.