Research Article

A Remote Medical Monitoring System for Heart Failure Prognosis

Table 1

List of features for HF prediction.

Index Feature Description

Body weight features
1 Mean weight
2 Maximum weight
3 Std. of weight
4 Daily weight increase 1 kg
5 Daily weight increase 1.5 kg
6 Mean of daily weight increase
7 Std. of daily weight increase
8 Maximum of daily weight increase

Systolic blood pressure (SBP) features
9 Mean SBP
10 Maximum SBP
11 Minimum SBP
12 Std. of SBP
13 SBP 200 mmHg
14 SBP 160 mmHg
15 SBP 100 mmHg
16 SBP 90 mmHg
17 SBP 85 mmHg
18 Mean daily SBP increase
19 Std. of daily SBP increase

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) features
20 Mean DBP
21 Maximum DBP
22 Minimum DBP
23 Std. of DBP
24 Mean daily DBP increase
25 Std. of daily DBP increase

Pulse pressure (PP) features
26 Mean PP
27 Std. of PP
28 Corr. between SBP and DBP
29 Corr. between daily SBP and DBP increase