Research Article

Efficient DFSA Algorithm in RFID Systems for the Internet of Things

Pseudocode 1

Proposed_Scheme ()
// initialization
; // initial value of contending frame size
tags = 0; // initial value of number of un-identified tags
idle = 0; // initial value of collision rate
estimate_counter = 0; // initial value of estimated counter
    for (; ;  ++)
    tags = (rand()% ) + 1;
     // each tag randomly selects an available slot from 1 to
    for (; ; ++)
    for (; ; ++)
    If (tags == )
    // investigating the total occupied slot number
    for (int ; ; )
    if (collision == 0)
    idle ;
    //investigating the total idle slot number
    estimate_counter ;
     = idle/;
    If ( == 0)
       estimate_counter −−;
    If (estimate_counter == 1)
    _estimate = ;  
while (estimate_counter ! = 1)
  // estimation process terminated