Research Article

Wearable Device Control Platform Technology for Network Application Development

Table 5

Cordova plug-in API.


Battery StatusCheck battery status of device

CameraTake picture and browse gallery

ContactsSearch contacts and add/edit contacts

DeviceProvide information about device

Device Motion (Accelerometer)Provide information on accelerometer sensor

Device Orientation (Compass)Provide information on compass sensor

DialogsShow notification of device

FileSystemAccess file system of device

File TransferReceive and transfer file

GeolocationProvide information on location

GlobalizationProvide international expressions

InAppBrowserRun new application browser

MediaRecord and play voice file

Media CaptureCapture media files

Network Information (Connection)Provide information on network status and connectivity to cellular data and Wi-Fi

SplashscreenShow/hide start screen of application program

VibrationGenerate vibration on device

StatusBarHide/configure status bar background

WhitelistWhitelist network requests

Legacy WhitelistUse the old style of whitelist